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ECoC-Curling-Cup 2025
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Registration for the ECoC Curling Cup 2025
Registration for the ECoC Curling Cup 2025
You can register for the ECoC Curling Cup 2025 here
Team Name
Name of the person registering
Place of residence of the person registering
Postcode and place of residence
Home country of the notifying person
Czech Republic
other Country
Contact e-mail address
Home club of the team
If you are a member of a club, please let us know
Name Player 1
The order of the player names does not have to correspond to the starting line-up.
Name Player 2
The order of the player names does not have to correspond to the starting line-up.
Name Player 3
The order of the player names does not have to correspond to the starting line-up.
Name Player 4
The order of the player names does not have to correspond to the starting line-up.
Name Player 5
The order of the player names does not have to correspond to the starting line-up.
Name Player 6
The order of the player names does not have to correspond to the starting line-up.
Further information about your team
500 Zeichen
Please let us know here if you have players with a handicap in your team, if you are a junior team, if you would like to bring more people to one of the curling events or if you have any other comments
Declaration of consent 1
I am aware that by submitting this form, I am bindingly registering myself / my team for participation in all three tournaments of the ECoC Curling Cup 2025 in Trutnov (1 / 2 March 2025), Swidnica (21 - 23 March 2025) and Chemnitz (11 - 13 April 2025).
Declaration of consent 2
I am aware that my registration is not finalised until the registration fees have been transferred to the organising clubs. I will receive information on this by e-mail in good time before the start of the tournament.
Data protection
I am aware that the data I enter here will be automatically passed on to the organising clubs. Further data transfers to third parties require my express consent.